My wife and I enjoyed our tour through the beautiful Adirondack Mountains to arrive at the project we enjoyed providing over 30 loads of stone for. The sound and seeing moving water is always intriguing and relaxing.
How often do waterfalls emerge from a beautiful landscape on top of a roof like at this project?
The plantings among the cliffside building aesthetically fit together so well. They wanted the weathered face of our Weatheredge Limestone exposed, to enhance such a natural setting. Wild Blueberries are planted up the sides of the waterfall.
Talk about a cliffside appearance
Waterfalls, ponds, and creeks everywhere.
This 2 1/2′ tall x 5′ wide and 8 1/2′ long piece of Weatheredge Limestone is getting the top cut off for a “Natural Stone Bridge”. The top is cut off so it can match the bush hammered flagstone leading up to it. The bottom is left natural, so that those in the hot-tub can look up at the natural bottom of the bridge.
Water, Natural stone, and plantings everywhere you look.