Tigerstripe Limestone Sawn Height Thin Veneer

Charcoal Limestone Tigerstripe Sawn Height

(available in full thickness building stone)

Tigerstripe Limestone has a dark to medium grey to brown color when it is first installed. When this Ontario limestone is exposed to direct sunlight and weather, it will fade significantly to a lighter grey color.


This style is sawn specifically to 2 1/4″, 5″, 7 3/4″, 10 1/2″.

Charcoal Limestone Tigerstripe Sawn Height


Tigerstripe Limestone Drystack Sawn Height

(Sawn sizes are: 2″, 4″, 6″, 8″, 10″)

Charcoal Limestone Tigerstripe Drystack Sawn Height

Charcoal Limestone Tigerstripe Drystack Sawn Height

tigerstripe drystack kitchen1 tigerstripe drystack kitchen2 tigerstripe drystack kitchen3 tigerstripe drystack kitchen4



Tigerstripe Limestone Low Rise Sawn Height

(Sawn sizes are: 1  1/4″, 1  7/8″, 2 1/4″)

Note: the face of the stone on this house has a sawn face

Charcoal Limestone Tigerstripe Low Rise Sawn Height

Charcoal Limestone Tigerstripe Low Rise Sawn Height

tigerstripe limestone sawn height low rise house tigerstripe limestone sawn height low rise house side tigerstripe limestone sawn height low rise house closeup tigerstripe limestone sawn height low rise house front view tigerstripe limestone sawn height low rise closeup


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