Timberframe and natural stone always compliment each other.
A close up pic of the Tumbled Harvest Gold Limestone
Squares and Rec’s blended with Ledgerock.
The Tumbled Harvest Gold Limestone goes right up to the peak.
One thicker piece was used at the top as a beam support.
A close-up pic of the Non-Tumbled Harvest Gold Limestone
Squares & Rec’s used as a soldier coarse above the door.
The Harvest Gold Limestone Squares & Rec’s & Ledgerock Blend gets
tied together well by tumbling both of them.
Notice the Harvest Gold “Non-Tumbled” Squares & Recs used as a
soldier coarse above the door, as well as the Quoins on both sides
of the front entrance. Being “Non-Tumbled” the entire door surround
very visibly stands out.