The falls above was built in northern MI, USA. The weathered face of the Weatheredge Limestone gave the appearance of a natural occurring setting, after the plantings were all done. Our customer was so happy with how the new build fit his country property.
The falls below was also built for a country property in the Bamburg, ON area, and fit nicely into the hillside beside the house.
A close up of the waterfall built from Weatheredge Limestone. The stone lined creek runs from the upper pond (fed by the waterfall) to the large lower pond below. What a beautiful country setting. It was fun designing and building this one.
We built the pond to go around the posts and under the gazebo, giving the feeling that you are standing over the water when you are overlooking the falls and pond.
Notice that the natural stone bridge (wide enough to drive golf carts over) goes over the creek, that runs from the upper pond to the lower one.
Limestone waterfall with Tumbled Tigerstripe Random Drywall around the raised pond.