Nice “L-Shaped Thin Veneer Corner’s” make a corner look solid and strong.

Thanks to a customer 45 years ago that told us she wants her

stonework looking “Structural like the old buildings.” Thanks to

her vision… which was transferred to us and many of our customers

have benefited from this, all these years. My belief is that is takes

a good corner to make an amazing wall.

Yes, we get snow in Canada, as seen on top of the 3″ x 3″

Weatheredge Limestone (Thin Veneer) Window Sill.

Nice, fluffy, white snow.

The Rustic Brown Limestone has a beautiful dimpled, weathered face.

A winter evening picture. Yes, we get snow here in

Ontario, Canada… however not as much as farther north where

they got 7′ of snow in an amazingly short period of time, this winter.

The Tumbled Rustic Brown and Guelph Buff Limestone

is also beautiful in the evening.

Natural Stone is beautiful in all seasons of every country.

The pic above is in late summer before the fall leaf colour change.
