The View from the top of the Cliff 150 ft. above the water.
Our employees enjoy the “Nature Walk” on the trail through the woods to our outlook. On the other side of the North Channel we can see the trucks driving on the Trans Canada Highway (on a clear day). It’s always special to look across the islands from up here.
The stone below is an example of the “Natural Weathered Faces” our customer wanted. They desired piece length to be up to 22 ft. long. The landscaper told us he hopes his customer likes our stone because he sure didn’t know anywhere else to go to get the piece length he wanted with a weathered face and the strength he wanted. He was very happy that they wanted our stone.
Below is the “1 piece diving rock” we saved for the project with a natural top and 4 natural edges.
Drilling pieces in preparation for the power wedges.
Two loaders with forks working.
What beautiful scenery. Still water mirrors the islands in the water.
We enjoy watching the wild animals as well, especially the deer. One of our loggers told us the deer were watching him cut trees and he loved it. A man digging stone told us a wolf was watching him work (he didn’t work after dark) – he was worried. My wife and grandchildren watched 2 little fawns, outside our cabin window.
If we meet a bear… if you are scared you jump for the nearest tree branch – if you miss it on the way up… you make sure you catch it on the way down… Now the bear story is a joke… but there are some on the property.