This home is in the Hamilton, ON area and the stone choice were: 80% Weatheredge Limestone and 20% Brown Limestone.
Both stones are sawn height building stone (top and bottom are both sawn), and have a guillotine split front face. The Weatheredge Limestone has the colorful bed face showing, compared to the Brown Limestone has the vein edge showing.
This customer chose black siding, doors, windows, decks and trim.
The Sawn Height Building Stone heights are: 2 1/4″, 5″, 7 3/4″ and 10 1/2″. The beige and blue pieces are Weatheredge Limestone and the more brown pieces are the Brown Limestone. Our customer chose this blend and is very happy with their choice.
There are an abundance of trees on this beautiful lot, as mirrored in this window.
This photo is a close up of 4″ tall Weatheredge Limestone window sills with a hand rocked (chiseled) front edge.
There is a lot of black trim on this house, including the support posts for the glass railing on the upper and lower deck.