More progress on the “Cliffside Building” in the Adirondack Mountains. Notice the circular “Moongate” installed on the right side of the picture above.
In the picture below the Natural Weathered pieces of Weatheredge Limestone (from our quarry on Manitoulin Island) created the “Cliffside Appearance” on this amazing building. The bed depth of the pieces at the base of the wall was approximately 1 1/2′ and kept stepping back to 8″ as it came above the roof. Then when above the roof stepped back to 3-4′ Armor Stone Depth. What an amazing build.
The “Cliffside Wall” finishes over top of a concrete roof which will be finished with plantings.
A roof-top view.
How often does a waterfall start on top of a roof, which is no problem here because of the roof being concrete.
What An Amazing Project