Paint covered the spalling and damaged bricks which were in much worse condition than they appear in the picture. Paint may cover poor aesthetics, but it doesn’t fix structural damage. Our customer was so happy to remove the damaged bricks and replace them with the unmatched durability of natural stone.
What a transformation!
When the porch roof is rebuilt and the matching stone posts are finished, the street view is going to be amazing.
The Sawn Height #18 Blend consists of four kinds of stone including:
Brown Limestone, Tigerstripe Limestone, Harvest Gold Limestone and Elite Blue Granite (the dark pieces).
The heights are sawn to 2 1/4″, 5″, 7 3/4″ and 10 1/2″, and all fit each other with a 1/2″ mortar joint. These heights make the install quick and easy. The exposed face is split with a guillotine and in this case our customer desired to have it tumbled, which softens the edges. Our customer is very happy with their stone choice and the quality of the stone. Their friendly little girl was saying “Cheese!” as watched me taking pictures. She was so cute!
This close up picture of the corner shows how solid a wall looks when you use “L Shaped” full bed corners (some with as much as a 10″ return).
The spalling brick were removed from the front face of the house and were replaced with sections of new red bricks and one area with Tumbled #18 Limestone Blend. It was the first time we sold this blend with the tumbled finish, and we, along with the homeowners and his mason, were all very happy with the end result.
This close up picture shows how solid and strong the full bed “L Shaped corners” look and are. Compare the wide return of the Tumbled #18 Blend corners (up to 10″ returns) with the 4″ returns on the bricks. Quite a difference.
Quite a difference between the old and new areas.