The Timothy’s Mountain Blend is amazing in the dining area of this new home.

Close up of the shelves.

The Mountain Blend is 70% Ledgerock and 30% squares and rec’s.

The Timothy’s Blend is 70% Weatheredge Limestone and 30% Elite Blue Granite.

The Timothy’s Mountain Blend is a combination of both.

Natural stone around doorways is always nice. The cedar woodlot is visible from many windows in this home, especially the side and back ones.

The same product is on the exterior and can be seen through the window while dining at the table.

The left edge of the wall in the dining room.

Viewing interior and exterior.

Since the town of Elora is built on Limestone, it was fitting to use so much in this home.

This 2 story fireplace is inside of this same house.

This house back drops to a back yard woodlot, then the Elora Gorge, then this beautiful river. This is an outdoor person’s dream – what an amazing setting!

Categories: Projects
