All the wood and Random Elite Blue Granite Thin Veneer looks so good together. Our customer took great pride in his log (beam) mantle. Note that some Black Mortar Color was used to darken the mortar color. Some of our customers add some of our “Midnight Black” to darken a wall even more.
The natural wood stairs going to the upstairs, with Random Elite Blue Granite at your side is very nice. Stone from the basement to roof (45 feet high) turned out to be very attractive.
A picture from the right side showing the stonework going through the rafters… up to the roof.
Showing the rough sawn rafters. The lights were hand crafted from “beaten steel” matching the antique decor and enhancing the stonework.
Picture taken from 3rd floor.
Picture also taken from the 3rd floor.
Notice the hand carved Eagles.
A close-up picture of the hand-carved eagle.
Notice how solid and strong the “L-Shaped Corner Pieces” look.
Another picture taken out the door of the room housing the amazing fireplace, down at beautiful Lake Nipissing. (South east of Sudbury)