The talent these Stone Masons have is amazing. Notice how tight they are fitting the mortar joints.

I am excited and can hardly wait for the plantings and trees to be placed on top of the “Concrete Roof” to complete the “Cliffside Appearance”. Then when the waterfalls come flowing down some sections of the wall… it will be breathtaking.

Imagine winding through the woods in the beautiful Adirondack Mountains and coming to a rugged “Cliffside Building”. Notice the colored trees in the background.

Nice Rugged Weatheredge Limestone Window Sills and Lintels, fit this “Cliffside Building” well.

The last three pictures are the 127 degree corner with a weathered face on all visible edges.

The return on this 127 degree corner was approximately 7 feet long. When laid in the wall imagine how huge this piece will look 9′ long with a 7′ return. The Builders, Stone Masons, GC’s, and owners didn’t realize this would be possible. We enjoy surprising our customers with things they didn’t dream possible. Its fun giving things they didn’t expect… and this was one of them.

This is the inside of the 127 degree corner. Sometimes people wonder how we can handle such big pieces. I answer with a grin… that’s why we have three daughters… I can’t lift some of them alone. (joke) They do need loaders. Our limits at the quarry are governed by our 50 ton Excavator and our loader that lifts 20 tons.
