In Loving Memory of Nathaniel Wagler

Nathaniel’s Thank You

First of all, I want to thank God; the Creator of the horse, for giving me my health challenge so I could see what a great creation the human is. Thank you for allowing me to show these beautiful horses. Thank you for allowing me to see that everything we have is a gift from You. Life is a gift from you and every breath we take is also a gift from you. You have control over life, in which I am very thankful for. With you nothing is impossible. My faith and trust is in you.

Thank you Larry, Kate, Michelle, and everyone else that has helped Larry get my horses ready for me to show. Without you my success would not have been possible.

Thank you to Colonial Brick & Stone Inc. for all the income you gave me so I could enjoy all the opportunities God has given me. I really enjoyed being C.E.O. of your company Dad, for those few short years. I am very grateful to be your son.


Thank you to those who came to congress in Ohio:

Larry Johnson – my trainer

John Hostetler

Bruce Hostetler – videographer

Philip Lebold – photographer

Elroy Wagler – my father

Loretta Wagler – my sister

Jason & Rochelle Jantzi and family


Thank you to all my drivers:

Loretta Wagler

Rhonda Wagler

Benjamin Jantzi

Jamie Ropp

Anthony Ropp

Cheryl Wagler

Jason Wagler

Denise Jantzi

AnnaRose Kuepfer

Philip Lebold

Elroy Wagler

Rachel Zehr

Lois Zehr

Naomi Zehr


Thank you to all that came to watch me show:

Mom (Diane Wagler)

Timothy Wagler

Alexander Ropp

Jessica Kuepfer

Titus & Cindy Ropp

Jason & Amy Wagler

Ronald & Jennifer Jantzi and family

Matthew & Sheila Ropp and family

Maynard Brubacher and family

Ryan & Lynette Jantzi

Joe & Anita Gerber and family

Matthew & Tamar Zehr

Grant Fish

Marleen Leeper

Christine and Becca Deibel

Andrew Zehr

Tim & Beth

Delmar Jantzi & Grandson

Marvin Kuepfter

Paul Rutherford

Dave & Janet Czajkowski

Kenneth & Andrea Jantzi

Eugene & Dorcas Ropp

Marilyn Davies

Jamiee Davis


Thank you to Captured in the Moment Photography (Loretta, Rhonda, & Lynette)

for the great quality photos. You did a great job.


Thank you to all the Medical Personal who made my life a lot easier and more comfortable.


I would also like to recognize these people:

Shawna Crawford (OQHA Article)

Barry Finn (“The Rider”)

Curtis Matheson

Murray & Adele Matheson

Larry & Sherry Newbiggie

Vonda O’Donnell

Roy Beuerman

Mike Beuerman

Jeanette Wilson

Paul Rutherford

Joy & Todd Cressman

Tyler Cressman

Flowers Family


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