Elite Blue Granite Blend Sawn Height building stone was used to build this stunning interior wall with sizes 2 1/4, 5, 7 3/4, 10 1/2 inch. The job is overlooking the Ramsey Lake in Sudbury, ON.


The Terpstra Blend is made of field stone and earth tone. The earth tone added brown to the blend. It was used on a barn to make a beautiful reception hall.


Harvest Gold Limestone Tumbled Olde Mill Blend was used to decorate the interior of a house in the Ottawa area.


Gain’s Granite Blend is a mix of Elite Blue Granite and Colonial Classic Granite and McFinn Lake Pink Granite. It provided a lovely interior wall in a house in Alabama.The customer had chosen a local stone but when they seen the Milestone Restaurant at Niagara Falls, they decided to switch to this blend, which we named after the Gains’ family.
