In Loving Memory of Nathaniel Wagler
“Nathaniel Wagler is remembered by many as a cheerful and loving young man, who put his heart into everthing he did.”
“Thank you, Nathaniel, for your effort and tremendous support while your health allowed you to manage our production facility. We know you would still be here if your health allowed.” ~Elroy Wagler
“Thank you to Colonial Brick and Stone Inc. for all the income you gave me so I could enjoy all the opportunities God has given me. Dad, I really enjoyed being C.E.O. of your company, even though it was a few short years. I am grateful to be your son.” ~Nathaniel Wagler
Nathaniel’s Birth & Childhood
Nathaniel was born July 22, 1980 and was diagnosed with Cystinosis as a baby. Nathaniel’s parents were devastated to be told that Nathaniel had an incurable disease. They were not sure what life would hold for him. Three months after Nathaniel was diagnosed, his brother Timothy was born and was diagnosed with the same illness 13 months later. Nathaniel and Timothy endured a lot together as children as they went through dialysis and kidney transplants. Because of their medical condition, it was challenging for them to go to school and keep up with the children their age. Even amidst all that Nathaniel was facing as a child, his parents fondly remember that Nathaniel loved to sing! He used to sing a lot until his throat was damaged during a medical procedure. He also admired his Dad and the stone masonry work he did. He was captured on camera, with his brother, doing a small masonry project of their own.
1991 – 2004: Years of Better Health for Nathaniel
Even though Nathaniel still suffered set-backs from his illness, 1991 – 2004 were good years for him. Nathaniel spent 10+ years as the Yard Manager at Colonial Brick and Stone Inc. He enjoyed supporting and helping with his fathers work in the stone industry. Nathaniel was very gifted with instructing the employees, and keeping the facility organized and customer friendly. Many customers greatly enjoyed dealing with him a Colonial Brick & Stone Inc. Also many customers were well pleased with the high quality product that he helped the employees working under him to produce. Nathaniel did all that he possibly could to make Colonial Brick and Stone succeed. He achieved many goals and made many friends through his job.
Nathaniel’s Talent with Horses
Nathaniel was also very gifted in breaking and training horses. Nathaniel had a gentle way of teaching his horses many things. He was blessed to make some really good connections in the horse industry. Nathaniel was very grateful for all the friends and trainers who helped him achieve his dreams with his horses. Nathaniel was so pleased when he began to win Grand Champion medals with his beautiful halter horses. He also enjoyed riding and taking good care of his horses. As Nathaniel learned from more experienced trainers than himself, he enjoyed passing what he learned on tho his young horse friends.
A Time of Surrender
In 2004, Nathaniel began to experience difficulties that were new to him. His body began to show signs that it was failing. Once again Nathaniel courageously faced this disappointment as a man. He was very positive and caring for others even though he was beginning to suffer from the end stages of his disease. Nathaniel held onto his position at Colonial Brick & Stone as long as he possibly could. But then there came a time when he had to surrender his wishes and accept what his Heavenly Father had planned for his life. The last few years of Nathaniel’s life were very difficult, as he spent most of his time in bed. We learned so much from his positive attitude and brave heart the whole way through. Even though Nathaniel’s life was cut short, he lived fully. In his short lifetime, he blessed and encouraged so many people. Out of all the wonderful friendships he made, he believed the best and most important was the one he made with his Heavenly Father by accepting Jesus into his heart and making Him the Lord of his life. Nathaniel’s family and friends were touched and encouraged by the life Nathaniel lived. He was a man of great integrity and character. He was hones, loyal, caring, and friendly to all. As Nathaniel’s health got worse and his suffering increased, he anticipated the day when he could leave his earthly trials behind and go to Heaven. Nathaniel was surrounded by family and friends when he peacefully slipped away on May 4, 2014.
Nathaniel is sadly missed and will forever be cherished in the hearts of the WAGLER FAMILY.