The Natural Underside of the Rustic Harvest Gold Mantle.

When our customer saw the modern hearth and mantle that someone had delivered to their site… they immediately knew it did not fit with the “Rustic Appearance” of the “Harvest Gold Tumbled Olde Mill Blend”. They were so happy with the “Olde Mill Blend” that they didn’t want to destroy it with a modern hearth and mantle. When I received the phone call I could hear that our customer knew that a hearth and mantle that would be more suitable should be available. I began describing how we can make a very rustic mantle from the Matching Harvest Gold Limestone and by leaving the Natural Weathered Live Front Edge on. (which is found in a quarry seam). We even “hand tumbled” it for them. They were so happy.

The hearth was crafted from a block of “Weatheredge Limestone with a natural front and end. This Weathered face comes from each weathered crack surrounding each quarry block, giving us millions of weathered edges to work with.

We bush hammered the top of the hearth, adding more age to the appearance. Notice the low soldier coarse and keystone arched over the fireplace opening.

The weathered groves in both the hearth and mantle gives the appearance of hundreds of years of added age.

Customer Comments:

Definitely happy we purchased natural stone! It will lead to years of happiness and peace!

They also testify how happy they are to know us… and that we happily made their hearth and mantle as “Rustic and Original” as they wanted.

The builder has a “Signature Package” in all their homes, which is the stone beside the basement stairs, as well as going up to the landing to enter the living quarters. This makes a beautiful garage.
