Close up pictures of our full bed “L-Shaped Corners”

When our customer visited, they had no idea that “L-Shaped Corners” are even available in full bed stone. Mr. Wagler decided if their “Thin Veneer Corners” have returns up to 12 inches, their full bed corners should be able to have up to 15 inch returns.

Notice how solid a corner looks when “L-Shaped” Pieces are used.

My comments to our Customer: “I am glad you like the stone. Did you notice that some more “L-Shaped Corners” came along on this load? Choose the ones you like the best for the most important places.”

Our Customer’s Comment: “I did notice the “L-Shaped Corners”, they are so important! Great advice Elroy.”

Colin’s are so happy they followed our recommendation to use 215 ft. of our large full bed L-Shaped corners.

Natural stone all the way up into the gables of this amazing home.
