The Elite Blue Granite-Sawn and Sealed is very modern and elegant inside the front entrance of this home.
Our customer decided to go with low-rise sawn heights which were 2″ and 4″ and were laid dry-stack.
6 sides of the Elite Blue Granite were sawn, providing a very modern appeal.
We left the “Flurry Face” exposed, which gives the natural veining a “wood grain appearance”. The clusters of “White Quartz” add to the beauty of the Elite Blue Granite.
Our customers sealed the “Elite Blue Granite” with a color-enhancer / sealer, which gives close to a polished finish. This product does not come pre-sealed.
They also surrounded their fireplace with the same “Sawn Height – Sawn and Sealed” Elite Blue Granite. This project is within a few minute walk from the beautiful Elora Gorge. If you visit Elora… be sure to locate all the outlook areas, so you don’t miss the natural beauty this town offers.