Our happy customer invited suppliers and installers to an open house and food to show their appreciation for what they called an amazing job on their house. They were very pleased with the blend of stone they chose. The window, door and fireplace openings were all surrounded with the red/pink Granite, as well as there was also some sprinkled in the walls. The larger amount was the Elite Blue Granite. The taller, darker pieces are the bed face of the Elite Blue Granite and the lower, lighter grey pieces are Ledgerock which is the vein face, but also Elite Blue Granite.
The massive chimney gives the appearance of strength and durability to a project. Notice the Elite Blue Granite copings on top of the low wall in the open porch area. The fireplace in the picture below is on the inside of the big chimney, and screened in porch.
Notice when you are in the screened in porch area, your view past the fireplace is out into a beautiful woods. Imagine watching the dancing flames of a wood burning fireplace, and your eye catching the movement of deer (a doe and two fawns) emerging from the bush to eat fresh grass on your lawn. This customer chose to have his two piece hearth to be made from Elite Blue Granite and has the front and two ends Rock Faced (hand chiseled).
The window edges, soldier coarses and arches were all done in the red/pink Granite and all window sills and copings are made from the Elite Blue Granite.
Stonework is so beautiful in a well treed area. We drove in the lane through a mature bush to view this stunning home.