These walls are inside a church in Huntsville, ON.
The Elite Black Granite was sawn to 4″ and 8″ heights, and the face was sawn with a wire saw. It was not polished, honed, or even sanded.
The edges of the fireplace show that the Elite Black Granite was cut with varying thickness to give the shadow effect (added depth).
This close up picture reveals that this project face was sawn against the grain, showing the vein face on the exposed side and shows accurate color.
All pictures of this article are stone taken from the Elite Black Granite quarry. In the picture above we are showing the full color blend available, however, a much more black blend is also available from the same quarry.
With our Sawn Height Northern Collection sizes, you have two options:
4″, 7″ & 11 1/2″ (like the picture above)
5″, 6″ & 11 1/2″
We also have the standard sawn height building stone sizes available, which are 2 1/4″, 5″, 7 3/4″ & 10 1/2″ heights. In the above picture, the face was split with a guillotine, being split in the direction of the grain.
For advertising or donation walls, the preferred surface is sawn and polished or textured, to ensure a very flat surface for engraving.